It is a commemorative coin of two euros, version fior di coniazione, the one that the numismatica sammarinese has decided to dedicate to the 550° anniversary of the death of Donatello. Italian sculptor, designer and goldsmith, who died in Florence on 13 December 1466, is considered the father of the Florentine Renaissance, together with Filippo Brunelleschi and Masaccio. In his bronze David, made around 1440, now exhibited at the Bargello Museum of Florence and reproduced on the coin, the young biblical hero, famous for his famous, if not legendary, fight with the giant Goliath, is depicted completely naked, With a hat on his head and a sword in his right hand. The face, depicted in the coin and drawn by Matt Bonaccorsi, is characterized by the expressive naturalness with which it was carved. The David by Donatello is universally considered one of the greatest masterpieces of the Renaissance.