The Europa 2021 postal series is dedicated to the rare and endangered wildlife of San Marino. The first stamp depicts the Geotritone, a small amphibian that lives in the cracks of the rocks of Monte Titano, and the First Tower in the background. The following endangered species are portrayed on the strip: the sparrow Monticola Solitarius, the small rodent Moscardinus, the rare mantis Empusa Pennata and the grasshopper Acrometopa Macropoda. The second value shows the River Crab, a crustacean extremely localized in small watercourses of San Marino, and the shape of the First Tower on the right. On its strip are depicted four other rare species: the skunk, the amphibious Bombina Pachypus, the butterfly Zerinthia Cassandra and the fish Barbus Caninus.